Beware of vegetable virus disease in summer

In June and July, the temperature increased further, and the pests of vegetable pests became more serious, creating conditions for the occurrence of viral diseases. At the same time, with the arrival of the rainy season, rainfall will increase. Vegetable production is not only a season in which the open field vegetables grow faster, but also a season in which autumn vegetable seedlings are about to begin. Therefore, it is of great significance to do a good job in the prevention and control of vegetable virus diseases, and to capture the annual vegetable production and harvest.

Viral diseases can occur in a variety of vegetables, symptoms have a variety of manifestations, common symptoms include leaf mosaic, streaks, shrinkage, fruit malformation, plant dwarf, clumping, etc., the field is generally easier to identify. However, if the symptoms of the symptoms are manifested, the prevention and treatment is generally poor. To this end, the following prevention and control must be done.

Seed treatment seed carrier is one of the important sources of crop virus disease, such as seed-borne bacteria, crops will be affected by the disease, which has a great impact on the yield. Therefore, we must pay attention to the seed treatment work. Soak seeds for 10 to 20 minutes with 10% trisodium phosphate solution or 1% potassium permanganate solution before seeding to passivate the pathogens on the seeds.

Seedling management This is a critical period for preventing viral diseases. The first step in production is to take precautionary measures, such as regularly using insecticides and silver-gray films to avoid cockroaches, etc., to reduce the chance of pest transmission. The second is to take appropriate shading measures, such as using shade nets to shade, to avoid high temperature in the seedbed. The third is to spray drugs for the prevention and treatment of viruses, and it is possible to select 83 antagonists, virus A and the like. In the adult stage, vegetables should strengthen the management of fertilizer and water, and cultivate strong plants to improve the disease resistance of plants.

Author: Di Guanghua Source: Daily farmer
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