Cryogenic pump exhaust system common troubleshooting methods

The most basic phenomenon of the cryogenic pump vacuum pumping system failure is the pressure increase in the vacuum system. Cause the system pressure increases because: First, the vacuum system leaks; the second is the work of cryogenic pump failure. Leakage in a vacuum system Leak detectors in the vacuum vessel and the cryogenic pump can be leak tested with a helium mass spectrometer leak detector. If leaks are not detected, the cryogenic pump must be ruled out one by one according to the following conditions. First, the pressure in the vacuum container (secondary cooling array temperature is below 20K) may be due to: 1, the vacuum system or cryogenic pump itself has a leak, you can leak through a vacuum system; b. Check the safety reduction Pressure valve is reset; c. Cryogenic pump mechanical leak to exclude. 2, There is He, Ne, H2 and other non-condensable gas in the pumped container (due to the saturation of the adsorption plate), the pump can be regenerated to solve this fault. 3, the fixed two cold array screws loose, so that suction suction surface temperature is higher than 20K (under normal circumstances, this possibility is less), to deal with such failures can pump back to room temperature, check one or two Level cold array assembly situation. Second, the pressure in the vacuum vessel (low temperature surface temperature below 20K) may be due to 1, two cold array adsorber adsorption saturation, this time need to pump regeneration. 2, the exhaust load is too high, you can shield or reduce the radiation surface temperature to solve such failures. Third, the temperature of the cryogenic pump two cold array less than 20K, or take a long time to reach 20K. The reasons for such failures are generally: 1, the cooling capacity of the refrigerator worse, to solve such failures a. Check the compressor supply pressure is normal, such as low pressure mechanical rebound; b. Pump regeneration; c Cooler is contaminated, or one or two seal ring wear. 2, the compressor pressure is low, then you need to their qi. 3, the vacuum system or cryogenic pump itself has a leak, this time requires a. Vacuum system for leak detection; b. Pump leak, safety valve is reset. 4, there are more inside the cryogenic pump He, Ne, H2 and other non-condensable gas (partial pressure higher), then wash with N2 gas or regeneration can be. 5, the compressor is not working properly, then need to overhaul the compressor. Fourth, the cryogenic pump issued a rumble, then generally 50Hz / 60Hz switch position wrong, as long as the switch on the correct position to solve such failures.

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