Greensboro reminds you: the new trend of fire prevention on the ground

With the approach of the New Year, many citizens will choose to invite their friends to the public entertainment venues such as restaurants, karaoke bars, bars and other festivals. In many public places, because fire safety measures are not in place, some public places use flammable and flammable decoration materials. There is a certain potential safety hazard that threatens the personal and property safety of the general public.

As an important flooring material, the floor has a non-negligible impact in the fire environment. Data show that about 80% of people in the fire died of inhalation of toxic gases. The self-rescue in a fire mainly adopts the way that the body is close to the ground and walks forward to avoid poisoning the smoke. At this crucial moment, flame-retardant decorative materials will play an important role in fireproofing and fire-resistance, and will win vitality for helpless lives in the fire!

Greensboro is China's first fire-retardant floor fire certificate and national standard responsible for the development of units, quality assurance, the introduction of the new national standard floor two series: Wanjiali series, China Red series of fire-retardant floor. One of the four major national standards developed by Greensboro - fire-retardant and flame-retardant flooring (GB/T24509-2009 was formally implemented on April 1, 2010): Fiberboard, particle board, plywood, etc. as the substrate, with paint or Impregnated paper is a decorative material that has been fire retarded to a certain degree of flame retardancy and has a flame retardant function. Today, the newly revised "Fire Protection Law of the People's Republic of China" and related documents of the Ministry of Public Security have also made clear provisions on fire protection requirements for public gathering places and personnel-intensive places such as restaurants, schools, and entertainment venues. The use of decoration materials must reach a certain degree of resistance. Fire rating, otherwise fire inspection or fire safety inspection before opening shall not be passed. Therefore, the development of fire-retardant flooring will provide security for people in public places and in crowded places.

Because of its high technological content, large added value, obvious use effect, and environmental protection trend, GreenSite fire retardant flooring series will provide a "protection wall" for your life and will certainly become a new consumer hot spot. Leading the consumer trend of wood flooring.

Greensboro reminds you: The new trend of fire prevention on the ground, flooring technology, steel color, make home better!