It is good to prevent grape black pox before flowering.

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Grape black pox is a fungal disease. It mainly winters in the cortex of grape vines and branches. In the second year, when the grape buds grow up, the local temperature reaches 22 ° C, and when the humidity reaches 80% or more, black pox begins to endanger. It is mainly harmful to young leaves such as young leaves and young ears of grapes. When there is a black spot with a large needle tip, it is the initial symptom of black pox disease. Therefore, it should be sprayed before the flowering of the grapes. First, use 70% methyl thiophanate wettable powder to water 1000 times, 75% chlorothalonil wettable powder to water 100 times or 10% Shiga high wettable powder to water 3000 times. The following parts should be used for spraying. For plants that are not ill, they should be treated three times in advance. The first time should be sprayed seven days before the flowering of the grapes; the third time can be sprayed again with the second pass ten days apart.

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