Pesticide storage should pay attention to the problem

1. Deeply bury the pesticides that have failed, and must not throw them away.

2, powder pesticides and plant regulators, easy to absorb moisture agglomeration, should pay attention to sealing, storage and storage places should be kept dry.

3, dichlorvos, dimethoate and other volatile pesticides, causing air pollution, the bottle cap must be tightened during storage, the implementation of sealing.

4. Most powder pesticides are easily decomposed, volatilized, and even burned and exploded under high temperature conditions. Keep indoor temperature above 1 °C when storing such pesticides.

5. Pesticides are classified as alkaline, acidic and neutral. Store and store at a distance of 0.5 m or more to avoid deterioration and deterioration.

6. Pesticides should not be stored in the same room as grains, oils, beans, seeds and vegetables; emulsifiables and fumigants should not be placed together with flammable or explosive materials such as matches, oil, firecrackers, etc., and should not be stored in people, livestock or poultry. In the vicinity, especially to prevent child contact. In order to avoid accidents.
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