Air mattress maintenance tips to create a good quality sleep

Compact, easy to carry inflatable mattress is home to temporary visitors, camping, the best place to rest the office lunch break, but inflatable mattress also has its own character, people need to be carefully protected in the course of it, to tell you the following small series inflatable Please pay attention to the use of the mattress.

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1. After the air bed is purchased, it can be inflated immediately. After the first charge is completed for 8 hours (preferably 12 hours), it can be used because the inner belt and the seam of the air bed need a buffering process; the new bed is used 2 days before. Try not to be full of gas.

2, after a full charge, the air bed will be a little slack, this is a normal phenomenon, the material of the air bed is somewhat elastic, after the completion of the gas, some of the ups and downs become soft, only feel relaxed, as long as the refilling achieves the desired effect, but Don't get too angry.

3, one person can use enough gas, the two use to let off some gas; the season switching temperature rises, the gas in the bed expands, pay attention to deflation.

4, when the temperature drops, the bed will become soft, pay attention to qi; any inflatable products (including tires) will naturally leak, this is a normal phenomenon, pay attention to regular qi.

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5, can not be inflated at any time (especially in summer), otherwise the belt inside the bed will be overloaded and broken, resulting in bed surface bulging, this situation will not be repaired.

6, to ensure that the ground or bed frame of the bed is not sharp objects such as nails or thorns.

7. If used in water, make sure the suede is facing up and the child should be used under adult supervision.

8. If you accidentally knock over other beverages such as tea or coffee on an air mattress, immediately use a towel or toilet paper to dry it out with heavy pressure and then blow dry with a hair dryer. When the air mattress is accidentally contaminated with dirt, it can be washed with soap and water. Do not use strong acid or alkaline cleaner to avoid damage to the mattress on the air mattress.

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Please refer to the above for the use and maintenance of the above air mattress. For more information, please pay attention to GO Jiaju.

Source: GO Jiaju

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