Application of microecological preparations in livestock and poultry production

The application of microecological preparations was first seen in Japan. In the 1950s, there were “forms flying” and “lactase”, and its composition was Streptococcus faecalis, which was used to treat intestinal diseases. Since the beginning of the application of livestock and poultry, the United States began to use feed microorganisms in the 1970s. China's research on probiotics began in the 1980s, but the application is in recent years. Relatively high starting point, rapid development, to study Lactobacillus, Bacillus. In recent years, in the poultry industry, animal microecological preparations have become more and more important as a green feed additive and a significant role in animal nutrition, crop growth and environmental improvement, and have no toxic side effects. The characteristics of medicinal properties, no residue, and remarkable effects have gradually been approved by the majority of farmers. Ccm China Feed Industry Information Network - based on feed, serving animal husbandry

1, the concept of animal micro-ecological preparations ccm China feed industry information network - based on feed, service animal husbandry

Animal microecologial Ageent AMEA, also known as live microbial agent, fungicide, is a live bacterial preparation made by a special process of beneficial microorganisms mainly composed of normal flora in animals. Its trade names mainly include: biological veterinary drugs, feed microbial additives, biotics, probiotics, biological starters, biological purifiers, synbiotics and so on. In 1989, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and Feed Association (AAFCO) released 43 safe strains that can be directly fed to animals. In 1999, the Ministry of Agriculture of China announced feed-grade microbial additive strains that can be directly fed to animals. 12 Currently, according to the composition of the microecological preparation, it is divided into three types, namely, Probiotics, Prebiotics, and synbiotics combining the two. Ccm China Feed Industry Information Network - based on feed, serving animal husbandry

Probiotics, there are many interpretations and definitions at home and abroad. Havenaar (1992) proposed that probiotics are living cultures of single or multiple microorganisms that, when used in animals or humans, promote the properties of natural microflora It has a beneficial effect on the host. Ccm China Feed Industry Information Network - based on feed, serving animal husbandry

Probiotics are a class of substances that promote the growth of beneficial microbes in the body. Currently, functional oligosaccharides such as soybean oligosaccharide, Fructo oligosaccharide, and lactose are widely used. , Isomalto oligosaccharide, etc. These oligosaccharides are widely found in vegetables, fruits, and some plants. They can also be chemically synthesized from monosaccharides. Not all oligosaccharides can be used as probiotics, and only functional oligosaccharides have this function. Functional oligosaccharides are difficult or impossible to be absorbed by the body, but can be used by the bifidobacteria in the intestine to promote their growth and increase the beneficial bacteria in the intestine. The use of probiotics is convenient, and it is not necessary to carry out microbial culture. Preparation, but not for all beneficial bacteria. ccm China Feed Industry Information Network - based on feed, serving animal husbandry

Synbiotics (mixtures), a combination of probiotics and probiotics, if oligosaccharides are mixed with bifidobacteria, the specific substrate required for probiotics is relatively easy to obtain, thereby increasing the survival rate of beneficial bacteria. And then play the combined effect of the two. Ccm China Feed Industry Information Network - based on feed, serving animal husbandry

2, the mechanism of action of microecological preparations ccm China feed industry information network - based on feed, service animal husbandry

The mechanism of action of microecological preparations has the following theories or hypotheses: ccm China feed industry information network - based on feed, service animal husbandry

2.1 Advantageous population theory ccm China feed industry information network - based on feed, service animal husbandry

In the normal microbiota, a small number of populations occupy the vast majority of the entire normal microbial population, controlling the entire population, and the dominant population is destroyed to cause microecological disorders. In the intestinal micro-ecological system of animals, anaerobic bacteria account for more than 99%, which is the dominant population in the intestine, and less than 1% of facultative anaerobic bacteria and aerobic bacteria. The use of microecological preparations is to replenish or restore dominant populations, bringing the dysfunctional micro-ecological system to a new equilibrium. Thereby the health of the animal is restored. Ccm China Feed Industry Information Network - based on feed, serving animal husbandry

2.2 Bio-antagonism theory: ccm China feed industry information network - based on feed, service animal husbandry

The normal microbiota constitutes the body's defense barrier, including biological barriers and chemical barriers. The micro-ecological group is orderly planted on the surface of the mucosal skin or the biofilm-like structure formed between the cells, thereby affecting the colonization, occupancy, growth and reproduction of pathogenic bacteria or pathogenic bacteria, which is a biological barrier. These barriers prevent the colonization of pathogenic microorganisms. The metabolites of normal flora, acetic acid, propionic acid, lactic acid, bacteriocin and other active substances together form a chemical barrier that prevents the colonization and growth of foreign bacteria. Microecological preparations themselves are these normal physiological bacteria and their metabolites, which participate in the barrier structure and exert biological antagonism. Ccm China Feed Industry Information Network - based on feed, serving animal husbandry

2.3 Biological oxygenation theory: ccm China feed industry information network - based on feed, service animal husbandry

Most pathogenic microorganisms belong to aerobic or facultative anaerobic bacteria. When the micro-ecological system in the intestinal tract of the animal is dysfunctional and the concentration of local oxygen molecules is increased, it is beneficial to the growth and reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms. The use of microecological preparations can cultivate oxygen-consuming microorganisms, reduce the concentration of local oxygen molecules, inhibit the growth of pathogenic bacteria, restore their micro-ecological balance, and thus achieve the purpose of preventing and treating diseases. Ccm China Feed Industry Information Network - based on feed, serving animal husbandry

2.4 “Three-stream circulation” theory: ccm China feed industry information network - based on feed, serving animal husbandry

The three-stream cycle is the cycle of energy flow, material flow and gene flow. Ccm China Feed Industry Information Network - based on feed, serving animal husbandry

2.4.1 Energy operation: ccm China feed industry information network - based on feed, service animal husbandry

The relationship between the normal microbiota and the host maintains energy exchange and operation. There is an exchange of energy between plants, animals and humans and normal microorganisms or between normal microorganisms. In recent years, it has been observed by electron microscopy that the microvilli of intestinal epithelial cells are very close to the pili of the cell wall, and there is a phenomenon of substance exchange. Ccm China Feed Industry Information Network - based on feed, serving animal husbandry

2.4.2 Substance exchange: ccm China feed industry information network - based on feed, service animal husbandry

The normal microbiota and the host exchange substances by degradation and synthesis. The lysed cells and extracellular enzymes can be utilized by microorganisms, and the enzymes, vitamins, stimulators, and cellular components of the microorganisms produced by the microorganisms can also be utilized by the host cells. Ccm China Feed Industry Information Network - based on feed, serving animal husbandry

2.4.3 Gene exchange: ccm China feed industry information network - based on feed, service animal husbandry

Extensive gene exchange between normal microorganisms, such as tolerance factors, toxigenic factors, etc., can be exchanged between normal microorganisms through the transfer of substances. Ccm China Feed Industry Information Network - based on feed, serving animal husbandry

Microecological preparations can be used as non-specific immunoregulators to promote the phagocytic ability of phagocytic cells and the ability of B cells to produce antibodies. It can inhibit the excessive growth of spoilage microorganisms and degrade toxic substances such as ammonia and phenol in the intestinal tract to ensure micro-ecological systems. The normal operation of energy flow, material flow and gene flow. Ccm China Feed Industry Information Network - based on feed, serving animal husbandry

3, the application effect of animal microecological preparations in the chicken industry ccm China feed industry information network - based on feed, service animal husbandry

3.1 Improve production performance and improve feed utilization ccm China feed industry information network - based on feed, service animal husbandry

Zhang Xiaomei et al (1999) [5] reported that feeding chickens with different types of microecological preparations can increase the activity of serum and intestinal protease, lipase and amylase in chicks, and help digestion and absorption of nutrients. This provides a theoretical basis for the full absorption of feed, lowering the ratio of feed to meat and increasing weight gain. Zhang Qiaozhen (1999) [6] reported that 1kg of EM microecological preparations were used to ferment 1kg of diet, and after feeding, the laying hens showed that the egg production rate and average egg weight of the experimental group increased by 17.77% and 2.58%, respectively. And the egg ratio was 12.54% lower than the control group. According to Liu Huazhou et al. (1997) [7], 20% of EM fermented feed was added to the diet of laying hens. The average daily egg production increased by 5.54%, the egg production rate increased by 4.47%, and the egg-to-egg ratio decreased by 5.25%. Dong Yanxin et al. (2003) [8] added microecological preparations (heat fast elimination) in laying hens to reduce the heat production of the laying hens. Increase heat dissipation. Improve the tolerance of laying hens to high temperatures, and ease the laying hens. Heat stress response, thereby improving production performance. Jing Gang et al. (2003) [9] used a microecological preparation to carry out feeding trials in commercial laying hens. The results showed that the egg production rate of the experimental group increased by 5.35%, the egg-to-egg ratio increased by 9.52%, and the average egg. The increase was 2.95%, the death rate was reduced by 68.18%, and the economic benefits were significantly improved. Wang Shichang et al (1998; 1999) [10,11] fed broilers with different combinations of Bacillus, increasing weight gain by 10.03% and 17.08% (P<0.01) at 0-3 weeks, and increasing 19.08% and 23.40% at 4-6 weeks (P <0.01). Ccm China Feed Industry Information Network - based on feed, serving animal husbandry

3.2 Prevention and treatment of diseases, reducing mortality ccm China feed industry information network - based on feed, service animal husbandry

Liu Yongjie et al (1999) [12] also reported that chicks fed Lactobacillus culture significantly reduced the number of E. coli, while significantly increasing the number of bifidobacteria and lactobacilli, thereby increasing resistance to Salmonella and reducing The mortality rate is 20%. Wang Xiaomin et al (2001) [13] proved that microecological preparations (ecological treasure) can not only significantly improve the HI antibody level of Newcastle disease in the serum of laying hens, but also significantly increase the proportion of lymphocytes in the blood and the white blood cell phagocytic index, thus enhancing The immunity and disease resistance of laying hens significantly improve the immune effect of Newcastle disease. Ccm China Feed Industry Information Network - based on feed, serving animal husbandry

Many laying hen tests have shown that [14,15]: EM can effectively inhibit the growth of pathogenic microorganisms, and the immunity of chickens is enhanced. The average mortality rate is 15% to 30% lower than that of the control without any antibiotics. 55.8%. Especially during brooding, it is very effective in preventing intestinal infectious diseases such as chicken white diarrhea, and the mortality rate from 0 to 6 weeks is even lower than that of the control by more than 50%. Chen Liyan (2003) [16] fed broiler chickens (1-42 days old) with Bacillus, and found that the number of E. coli in the digestive tract was significantly reduced. Liao Yuying et al. (2003) [17] showed that the test chickens supplemented with probiotics in drinking water were infected with virulent coccidia oocysts, reducing chicken morbidity, mortality, and reducing coccidiosis to chicken weight gain. The effects and severity of cecal lesions have a good effect on reducing the economic loss caused by chicken coccidiosis. Ccm China Feed Industry Information Network - based on feed, serving animal husbandry

3.3 Improve product quality ccm China feed industry information network - based on feed, service animal husbandry

Chen Hong et al (1999) [18] reported that the addition of EM in feed can significantly improve the serum calcium, inorganic P, carotenoid and albumin contents, while serum Ca2+, inorganic P concentration and eggshell quality ( The thickness is positively correlated. Carotenoids can improve the coloration of egg yolk and improve the quality of egg yolk. Shen Xianwen (1999) [19] reported that the application of microecological preparation EM to feed livestock and poultry can increase the protein, amino acid and trace elements in meat and eggs to different degrees, and the fat and cholesterol are reduced to varying degrees. Drug residue. Liu Huazhou et al. (1997) [20] showed that when the EM fermented feed accounted for 20% of the hen diet, the eggshell thickness increased by 6.99%, the protein Hastelloy unit increased by 10.31%, and the egg yolk color increased by 1.5 Roche. Abdulrahim et al. (1996) [21] reported that the addition of lactic acid bacteria to laying hens significantly improved egg production rate, feed conversion rate, and cholesterol content in eggs, but had no effect on blood cholesterol and lipid content. Adding probiotics (including Lactobacillus, Bacillus, Streptococcus, and Yeast) to broiler diets at 3 mg/kg resulted in a significant decrease in cholesterol in the leg muscles, chest muscles, and liver of broilers, and improved bone and chest muscles. The ratio of saturated fatty acids to saturated fatty acids and the content of linoleic acid (Endo, 1999) [22]. Ccm China Feed Industry Information Network - based on feed, serving animal husbandry

3.4 Reduce environmental pollution ccm China feed industry information network - based on feed, service animal husbandry

Li Weizhen et al [23,24] reported that EM treatment of feed and drinking water in chicken farms significantly reduced the ammonia concentration in the house. Among them, EM feed combined with EM drinking water has the best deodorizing effect, the ammonia removal rate is 69.7%; feeding EM feed combined with ordinary drinking water, the ammonia removal rate is 54.25%; feeding ordinary feed, adding only EM, ammonia in drinking water The removal rate was 42.12%. The test also showed that on the basis of the above treatment, spraying the housing with EM 100-200 times dilution every 2 to 3 weeks not only enhanced the effect of deodorizing and suppressing flies, but also had positive significance for preventing pests and diseases. Shen Xianwen et al. (1999) [25] added 5% EM fermented feed to feed, and combined with EM dilution of 0.002, the volume of ammonia in the broiler and laying house was reduced by 30.5%. 14.5%. Zhuang Zhiwei et al. (2002) [26] treated broiler litter with microecological preparations, reduced the amount of pathogenic bacteria in the litter, reduced the chance of disease, and reduced the content of harmful substances such as NH3 and H2S in the breeding environment and feces. No NH3, tasteless, reduce pollution and protect the ecological environment. Ccm China Feed Industry Information Network - based on feed, serving animal husbandry

4, the problem of attention in the use of animal microecological preparations ccm China feed industry information network - based on feed, service animal husbandry

Microecological preparations are live bacterial preparations, and there are many factors affecting the effect of the action. Pay attention to the use: (1) The application time should be early. According to the preconceived theory, the colonization of pathogenic bacteria is reduced or hindered by the occupancy control of the pre-inoculated bacteria. (2) It is forbidden to use it together with antibiotics, bactericides, disinfectants or Chinese herbal medicines with antibacterial action, otherwise it will kill or inhibit the live bacteria and weaken or lose the role of microecological preparations. (3) The preventive effect of the microecological preparation is better than the treatment, and the effect is slower, so it should be fed continuously for a long time to achieve the desired effect. (4) According to the purpose, there must be a choice when using. For the treatment of diarrhea, it is best to use microecological preparations made from the dominant flora in the intestine, such as lactobacilli and Bifidobacterium. (5) Pay attention to vitality and quantity. The microecological preparation must contain a certain amount of live bacteria, and generally requires about 300 million living cells, and the vitality is strong. (6) Pay attention to the shelf life of the preparation. A large number of experiments have shown that as the storage time of the preparation is prolonged, the number of viable bacteria is gradually reduced, which means that its effect is less and less. (7) Pay attention to the influence of some unfavorable factors on the strain. If Lactobacillus cannot tolerate high temperatures, microecological preparations are generally required to be stored at room temperature and in a dry place. (8) The microecological preparations have a good effect on the chicks, which can help them establish a healthy microflora of the intestinal tract as early as possible. (9) It should be noted that feeding microecological preparations best before and after poultry stress 2 to 3 days can effectively prevent micro-ecological flora imbalance or restore the ecological balance of destruction or disorder. Ccm China Feed Industry Information Network - based on feed, serving animal husbandry

5, the application prospects of microecological preparations ccm China feed industry information network - based on feed, service animal husbandry

Microecological preparations have their unique advantages. Its application will definitely contribute to the provision of animal foods that are truly healthy and nutritious, to ensure the health of the people, and to greatly enrich the people's vegetable baskets. Microecological preparations have broad application prospects. As Professor Wei Wei, a famous microbiologist in China and the founder of Chinese microecology, predicted: "The era after the brilliant antibiotics will be the era of live bacterial preparations." Ccm China Feed Industry Information Network - based on feed, serving animal husbandry

Despite this, microecological preparations are still an emerging product, the mechanism of action of microecological preparations, the selection of strains that make up preparations, the dosage forms of microecological preparations, the number of viable bacteria in preparations, the shelf life, and the safety of preparations. The effectiveness and research and exploration of anti-color animal microecological preparations and viral microecological preparations are waiting for further research. Ccm China Feed Industry Information Network - based on feed, serving animal husbandry

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